Lake Norman Lucky Cats
Seeking TNR for community cats in the Lake Norman region?
Contact: info@luckycats.org or 704.877.7779

Kinston Lucky Cats
Seeking TNR or Low-Cost Spay/Neuter for the Lenoir County region? Contact: info@luckycats.org or 704.877.7779.

Start A Lucky Cat Program
In an area without TNR services? We're committed to developing more TNRM outreach programs like Lucky Cats of Kinston in other communities. You can make a difference in your community, and we can help. Contact: info@luckycats.org or 704.877.7779

Service Learning Projects
Robin Smith-Salzman (L) and Robin Byrd (R) recognize McKayla Wabalas (middle) for her Girl Scout project benefiting Lucky Cats. Her event raised funds and awareness of the humane, long-term solution of TNR for community cats instead of lethal trap-and-kill methods at tax-payer expense. Service-learning opportunities for all ages. Girl Scout and Boy Scout projects welcome.
Contact: info@luckycats.org or 704.877.7779
Educational Presentations
From preschools to high schools, business groups to church groups, private to public organizations, and everyone in between, we love sharing our mission with the community.
Contact: info@luckycats.org or 704.877.7779

Cat Relocation
Community cat relocation is NOT advisable for feral felines due to their strong territorial bond with the land. Vehicular death is often the end for these cats as they instinctively try to return home unless specific procedures are followed. A better option is to utilize TNR to humanely manage the colony and go from a site of mess and overbreeding to a beautiful colony of very Lucky Cats.
Contact: info@luckycats.org or 704.877.7779