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Community Cat Education
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We love sharing the benefits of TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) for cats and communities through presenting to schools and organizations.  Whether it's a preschool or a professional organization, please visit our Program page to learn more and contact us for Lucky Cats educational offerings. 



"Community cat" is an umbrella term encompassing outdoor cats from a variety of sources.  Also referred to as free-roaming cats, populations generally consist of a mixture of truly feral cats, semi-socialized cats, and lost or abandoned pets.

Community cats can be the result of people either abandoning their un-sterilized pet cat(s) or irresponsibly neglecting to spay/neuter their cats.  These cats then breed, producing kittens that may have very little or no human contact.  Feral or community cats although in many ways similar to wildlife, are in fact descendants of domestic cats.   Some may seek out a meager “existence” but without human assistance, they do not thrive.  For community cats to thrive, and end the overbreeding, they need a helping hand through TNR. 

What We Do...


Bring awareness to the public regarding the humane management and long-term solution for our community cat populations through TNR.


To end the killing.  “Euthanasia” in shelters is the number one documented cause of death of all cats in the United States.


The humane care of community cats through TNR.

FACILITATE:  Low-cost spay/neuter/vaccine options.

MEDIATE:  Neighborhood, business, and municipal cat-nuisance complaints.

© 2025 by Lucky Cats

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